NEM Calendar Offer

The National Electronics Museum has released our 2017 calendar, exclusively featuring tubes from our Museum collection! Photographer Linden Lee created an artistic and memorable image for each month. As a result, we believe it’s a calendar you will enjoy the whole year through and keep it for many years to come.


You can place an order for mail delivery for $13 ($20 for international orders) via Paypal: Just click on the “Donate” button at the bottom of our museum homepage (, enter $13 as the amount and write “2017 NEM Calendar” as the “Additional Note to Seller.”


You can also order by sending a check for $13 to: National Electronics Museum, P.O. Box 1693, MS 4015, Baltimore, MD 21203.


Calendars will be sold for $10 in person at the Museum gift shop. Contact Kathleen Foster at with any questions