Happy New Year and January Program

Thanks to all who attended our holiday party especially Merry Christmas and her husband Santa Claus! (Thanks to Joe Miller for this!)  They looked an awful lot like Marvin and Cristina Malme!  Thanks Marvin and Cristina for coming to our meeting!

We all had a great time sharing stories about our year and planning for next year.

Thanks to David Stephens and David Daniels for all their volunteer work to make the CN chapter run so well.

January’s program should be very interesting. David arranged the presentation:
Organizational Culture: Pathway or Roadblock?


Presenter:  David Catlett is President and Founder of Trafero Solutions, Inc., an organizational culture assessment and transformation group based in Dallas, Texas. Trafero Solutions specializes in using science-based approaches and tools to measure, analyze and enhance workplace culture as a pathway to transforming organizational performance. Key to their success is facilitating leaders in understanding, designing, and implementing cultural enhancements on both the small and grand scales.

Happy New Year!

Maura Schreier-Fleming

CN Chair