
To: Local Consultants Network Chairs

From: Hermann Amaya, Chair, IEEE-USA Alliance of IEEE Consultants Networks (AICN);
Mark Wingate, Chair, IEEE-USA Entrepreneurial Activities Committee (EAC)

Subject: Joining the Entrepreneurial Activities Committee LinkedIn Group

Date: September 18, 2014

We would like to make you aware of an opportunity for you to grow and expand your consultants network efforts. Both the IEEE-USA Alliance of IEEE Consultants Networks (AICN) and IEEE-USA Entrepreneurial Activities Committee (EAC) goals are to provide education and training to IEEE members interested in starting their own businesses, whether that is a small consulting firm or high-tech start-up.

In line with this goal, we want to make you aware of the IEEE-USA Entrepreneurs LinkedIn page and the opportunity for you to create an Entrepreneurs Network within your section or as part of your existing Consultants Network.

As for the IEEE-USA Entrepreneurs LinkedIn Group, it is devoted to discussing topics such as contracting, insurance, raising capital, SBA, SBIR, business structure, patents and intellectual property which consultants will surely have interest in as well. Likewise, we believe consultants could add a lot to our discussion on these topics as well.

Therefore, the AICNCC/EAC would like to ask if you could share this invitation with your local members and let them know they are welcome to join the group.

We would love to hear your comments about this suggestion. Please feel free to email either one of us with your comments about this suggestion.

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