Apr 1-2, 2016 SoutheastCon Workshop and Exhibition: Humanoid Robot Up Close and Personal

On April 1, KEN visited the SoutheastCon 2016 in Norfolk, VA. About 45 people came to the first-day workshop at 10:15 am on April 1. Daniel did the introduction of KEN’s history, functions of KEN, and demo. Lixiao introduced KEN’s previous visits and some findings with the outreach events, and the current activities with the IEEE foundation grant and with the Forge Initiative. The workshop also did small group discussions on functionality, people, and process. People had a lot of great input and thoughts. The talk ended at noon, but people were so interested that they stayed until 12:30pm.

From noon to 5pm on April 1, KEN was at the exhibition table right outside the hardware competition room. He caught attention from everyone who were passing by. Many people stop by to ask questions, take photos, and interact with KEN. On April 2, KEN has a second workshop and exhibition. 19 people came to the workshop. Numerous people came to the booth to interact with the robot and ask questions. Many of them expressed interest in joining the team in some way.

KEN won a lot of fans at the SoutheastCon 2016 conference.






