Mailing List Requirements

IEEE offers several electronic mail tools to enable safe and secure communications.

IEEE Volunteers and authorized Data Users may continue to contact individuals about previously stated interests or prior engagements.  Before contacting an individual who has not previously expressed an interest or had a prior engagement, an IEEE Data User will validate their list against the IEEE Consent Management System to ensure agreement has been obtained.  More information and step by step instructions can be found on the List Validation page.

Listserv and Google Groups are widely used tools that IEEE volunteers can use to manage their own email communications.  We recommend using vTools eNotice for all member communications.  Additional communications to non members, vendors, guests can be managed in Listserv or a Google Group.

Email lists that reside outside of an IEEE approved tool, must be secure and not accessible to third party use.  Please do not keep member lists with any personal information on your personal computer.  It is permissible to store necessary lists on your IEEE Google Drive.   Here are detailed instructions