2018 IEEE Region 5 Conference and Student Competition

Join us April 6-8, 2018 at the AT&T Executive Education and Conference Center in Austin, TX for great workshops and student competitions.

Students are welcomed to show off their skills and hard work at the 2018 IEEE Region 5 Student Competition after the GreenTech Conference in Austin! Competitions include Circuit Design, Student Ethics, Robotics, and Student Papers.  All competitions are targeted to undergraduate students.  The student competitions provides the opportunity to compete against other Region 5 teams, develop technical skill, and promote your university.  The competitions are designed to encourage critical thinking, technical writing, and project management.



Circuit Design
Two-student teams will be challenged to solve a technical problem provided to teams on the day of competition.  Demonstration of interest, and intent to compete are strongly encouraged via the Intent to Compete Form.

Student Ethics
Two-student teams present and defend a case analysis using the IEEE Code of Ethics.  Demonstration of interest, and intent to compete are strongly encouraged via the Intent to Compete Form.

Student teams build autonomous robots within the competition rules and guidelines.  The competition is a point system with the winning team receiving the highest number of points.  Details may be found in the official competition rules.  Early demonstration of interest, and intent to compete are strongly encouraged via the Intent to Compete Form.

Student Papers  Submission Deadline February 15, 2018
Includes an oral presentation and written paper related to technical, engineering, management, or societal aspects of subjects relevant to the IEEE. Competitions occur at Local, Area, and Regional levels. The top three winners of each Area compete at the Region 5 Student Papers Competition in Austin.

For additional information about the Student Competition activities, contact your Regional 5 South Area Chair Christopher Sanderson or visit the


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