Posts By: rdipace

Summer School on Energy “G. Ciamician

This year the Summer School on Energy “G. Ciamician” is offering an additional opportunity to young and motivated female students/professionals attending the School: the “Young female student/professional award”. The award is sponsored by the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Italy Chapter, with technical co-sponsorship from the …

RINVIO Elezioni officiers a causa di problemi tecnici su vTools

Cari soci,

la piattaforma vTools di IEEE sta riscontrando dei problemi tecnici per i quali non è possibile inviare i ballot alla lista degli aventi diritto al voto, e ci sono ritardi anche nell’invio delle eNotice.

Il malfunzionamento riguarda tutta la piattaforma vTools di IEEE, per cui …

World Telecommunication & Information Society Day

On the World Telecommunication & Information Society Day, the IEEE Italy Section WIE Affinity Group wants to remember a woman who is considered the inventor of technology that is fundamental for mobile and wireless systems, Hedy Lamarr, original name Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler.

She was born …

Call for Best Female-leading Student Projects

This call is devoted to high-school students and recent high-school graduates, both IEEE and non-IEEE Members.

The competitors shall prepare a short video (3 minutes maximum), in which will present projects they developed during initiatives to promote girls into STEM such as Progetto NERD, Ragazze Digitali, …

World Creativity and Innovation Day

On the World Creativity and Innovation Day, the IEEE Italy Section WIE Affinity Group wants to remember a woman who has been fundamental for the history of Information Technology, Augusta Ada Byron, the daughter of the famous poet Lord Byron, better known as Ada Lovelace, …

Day of Human Space Flight

April 12 is the International Day of Human Space Flight. To celebrate women in space, IEEE WomenInEngineering Italy shares with you this video about the women who made the history of space flights.

Il 12 Aprile è la giornata internationale dei viaggi dell’uomo nello spazio. Per …


Call for Best Female-leading Student Projects

This call is devoted to high-school students and recent high-school graduates, both IEEE and non-IEEE Members.

The competitors shall prepare a short video (3 minutes maximum), in which will present projects they developed during initiatives to promote girls into STEM such …

2-3 dicembre, il primo IEEE WIE International Leadership Summit in Italia

Intervista a Dajana Cassioli, Chair di IEEE WIE Affinity Group – Italy Section

Lo scorso anno ai primi di dicembre si è tenuta la conferenza online “Women in Engineering International Leadership Summit Virtual Event” organizzata da Marianna Semprini, Clinical Research Team Leader IIT e Michela Chiappalone, …


The IEEE WIE ILS is an internationally acclaimed program of IEEE Women in Engineering, which is one of the world’s largest technical communities working towards shaping the scenario of underrepresentation of Women in Engineering and Technology.

IEEE WIE ILS started in 2015  was organized in Chennai with the theme …