Call for nominations – Outstanding Engineer Award 2014

Outstanding Engineer 2014 Nominations


We’re currently seeking nominations for the Northern Canada PES/IAS Outstanding Engineer of 2014 award.  The award recognizes the outstanding contribution of a local engineer to the power engineering profession, including, but not limited to:

–          Outstanding technical contributions to the power engineering profession.

–          Outstanding professional and leadership contributions to the power engineering profession

–          Significant contributions to the local community representing the power engineering profession.

–          Outstanding contributions in the area of power engineering education.

–          Service to the Power & Energy Society and/or Industry Applications Society and/or IEEE.


If you would like to nominate a colleague for this award, please send the nominee’s name and a brief description of their contributions to, and by October 31st, 5:00PM.  We will present the award at the Northern Canada Section Christmas dinner to be held December, 2014.


As per IEEE guidelines the winner needs to be both an IEEE and PES member in good standing and under the jurisdiction of the Northern Canada Section.


Alex Nassif

IEEE NCS PES/IAS Chapter Chair