Battery and Chargers for Electrical Substation and Process Back-up


Wednesday, January 21st, 2015, 6:00 to 9:00pm, doors open at 5:30pm


“Battery and Chargers for Electrical Substation and Process Back-up”

 by Yves A. Lavoie, Primax Technologies


When the time comes to select batteries and chargers for an electrical substation or process backup there are many factors that will influence the reliability and the service life of the d.c. system as a whole.

This seminar will cover:

  • The evolution of stationary batteries, their chemistry and construction, the various technologies available on the market, their respective advantages, disadvantages and failure modes. We will also examine capacity, sizing and why all Ampere hours are not equal.
  • Compare the classic charger model with modern chargers and the various functionalities that have been developed over the last 10 or 15 years.
  • Factors that will influence the design of the dc system, including system architecture, component and battery selection.

Download the slides in .ppt format here: Batteries & Chargers for stationary applications

Download the .pdf notice here: IEEE-NCS IAS-PES Jan 21th 2015 Edmonton R1
