Partial Discharge in Electrical Insulation

Edmonton on Tuesday, May 31, 2016, 5:30pm to 9:00pm, doors open at 5:30pm

“Partial Discharge in Electrical Insulation”

Presented by: Dr. Greg Stone

Technical Seminar Abstract:
Partial discharges (PD) are small electrical sparks that can occur within or on the surface of electrical insulation in power cables, transformers, switchgear and stator windings rated 4 kV and above. In most equipment, PD directly attacks the insulation and will result in electrical breakdown of the equipment. In rotating machines, PD is normally a symptom of other types of insulation degradation. By measuring PD, either off-line or on-line, it is sometimes possible to obtain a warning of imminent equipment failure.

The seminar will review the following:
• What is PD and under what conditions does it occur
• Examples of PD in power cables, transformers, switchgear and stator windings
• PD measurement as factory acceptance test of equipment
• Off-line PD testing at site
• On-line condition monitoring of power cables, transformers, switchgear and machines.

Follow the link below to download the presentation slides: