
The 2016 IEEE Annual Election ballot materials to be distributed August 15th to eligible voters will contain candidate statements, bios, and additional information on which to base your selection for the open positions.  The proposed amendment to the IEEE Constitution will also contain statements for and against, but it is controversial issue.  Inclusion on the ballot is strong tacit support by the IEEE Board, while many IEEE organizational units (including the Northern VA Section) have passed motions in opposition. Below is a point-by-point comparison of the benefits as claimed by the IEEE board and the counterclaim as expressed by section members, followed by additional resources.


Point-by-Point Comparison

Benefit Claimed by Amendment Proponents Counterclaim by Amendment Opponents
Provide members with the possibility of an increased role selecting the Board of Directors, allowing directors to be elected by the full eligible voting membership of IEEE. Instead of candidates being chosen by individual regions who know them, they will be chosen by the IEEE Board.
Add language encouraging a diverse Board of Directors. This language can be added to the bylaws at any time; it does not require a change to the constitution nor is it required when candidates are chosen regionally.
Add the IEEE executive director, the most senior IEEE staff executive, as a non-voting member of the Board to participate from inception in setting the strategic direction of IEEE. The IEEE Executive Director already attends Board Meetings and participates in setting strategic direction, but the amendment increases his or her influence on volunteer-specific activities and issues and hurts IEEE’s reputation as volunteer-led.
Separate the role of an IEEE delegate from an IEEE director, so that directors need not also be delegates. This dilutes the members’ voices on the board while providing no benefit.
Separate the requirement that corporate officers must also be directors. This will allow corporate officers as currently defined to serve in important leadership positions other than on the Board of Directors. Eliminates direct input from the Technical Activities Board and Member Geographic Board Vice Presidents to the body which sets their policies.
Establish a new role for IEEE delegates, who are members of the IEEE Assembly, to recommend and consult with the Board on revisions to IEEE Bylaws. Members of the Assembly would have no authority, and the Board of Directors could ignore them and fully control the bylaws.


Additional Resources