The PES-YP has had a new addition to our ExCom this month. Thiago Alencar has been welcomed in as the new Membership Development Coordinator. Thiago has served these last few years as the Region 9 Representative and has caused a massive growth in PES Student branches within Region 9, as well as developed quite a few STEM outreaches for schools that have been very successful. He has already made a good impact on the way our committee communicates.

Thiago Alencar
Thiago Alencar

The PES-YP Twitter #Milestelfie photo contest has come to an end, and we will be announcing our winner next month.

For more information about PES-YP activities

If you would like to share information about a past or upcoming PES-YP event in your chapter, please feel free to share it with us using our IEEE PES-YP Event Reporting site at We will take your event and share it on our PES-YP Facebook page(, Twitter Page (@IEEEPESYP), and our new LinkedIn Group For PES Young Professionals (

We are always looking for volunteers within each region, especially the larger regions, If you can please consider becoming a PES-YP regional Rep, or a volunteer to help the reps host events.