The 3rd PES student congress will bring a Humanitarian Technology related speakers to inspire students in humanitarian applications of engineering. We had Smart Village activity in last 2nd PES student congress. PES had a great feedback of this first humanitarian session in 1st PES student congress (Malaysia). So, we will hold the 1st IEEE HAC (Humanitarian Activities Committee) event focus on PES activities. We hope to motivate PES students and PES YP volunteers make new humanitarian activities with PES SB chapters and open new IEEE SIGHT groups in their IEEE student branches across the world. We will have 4 humanitarian sessions in the 3rd PES student congress:

  • IEEE HAC training: Background (Session 1) – 1 hour
  • IEEE HAC training: Humanitarian Project Design (Session 2) – 1 hour
  • IEEE HAC training: Project Design (Session 3) – 1 hour
  • IEEE Smart Village program and opportunities for young entrepreneurs (Session 4) – 45 min

In the 4 humanitarian sessions, we will have 3 expert humanitarian speakers:

  • Frank Lambert (2019 PES elected president);
  • Shaikh Fattah (2018 Education Chair, IEEE Humanitarian Activity Committee / PES eNews Update editor);
  • Anis Ben Arfi (chair, IEEE SIGHT Southern Alberta Section / vice-chair, IEEE MTT SIGHT committee / Calgary University PES student chapter – Canada)



IEEE HAC event sponsors:

These humanitarian sessions would be a great opportunity for students to make brainstorming and get motivated towards various humanitarian works together.



1) IEEE HAC training: Background (Session 1)

Time: 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm (August 25, 2018)


  • Anis Ben Arfi (chair, IEEE SIGHT Southern Alberta Section / vice-chair, IEEE MTT SIGHT committee / Calgary University PES student chapter – Canada)


Part-01: Humanitarian technology (HT) and sustainable development (SD): brief overview (15 min)

Part-02: Dealing with local needs and scope of community engagement- (15 min)

Part-03:  Brainstorming Session: Identifying local needs (from HT & SD perspective- 30 min)


2) IEEE HAC training: Humanitarian Project Design (Session 2)

Time: 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm (August 25, 2018)


  • Shaikh Fattah (2018 Education Chair, IEEE Humanitarian Activity Committee and PES eNews Update editor)


Part-04: Key factors behind planning a quality PES humanitarian technology project/event (20 min)

Part-05: Funding opportunities from IEEE HAC, IEEE SIGHT and IEEE PES for projects/events (15 min)

Part-06: Analysis on some relevant PES projects and experience sharing (case studies-30 min)


3) IEEE Smart Village projects and opportunities for entrepreneurs

Time: 9:30 am – 10:15 am (August 26, 2018)

Speaker: Frank Lambert (2019 PES elected president)


IEEE Smart Village (ISV), a pillar initiative of the IEEE Foundation, catalyzes development in disenfranchised communities around the globe. It does this by providing technical and financial support to local entrepreneurs who expand both energy access and education to remote communities. This model of sustainable community development is successful because the empowered beneficiaries play an active role. This sets ISV apart from other humanitarian and development initiatives, and as seen through its early stages, the program produces tangible results.

SV has provided energy access to more than 150,000 people in rural communities around the world. In addition to supplying power for basic home needs, this expansion of energy access provides the foundation for education centers in the Himalayas, coffee mills and schools in Papua New Guinea (PNG) and multiple agricultural co-ops in Nigeria, Uganda and Cameroon. ISV’s development model, driven by the efforts of local entrepreneurs, addresses the unique needs of each community.

The IEEE PES HardTech Summit and IEEE HAC event will have track session with IEEE Smart Village projects and opportunities for entrepreneurs. Frank Lambert (2019 IEEE PES president elected) will make presentation about his volunteer work with IEEE Smart Village projects at Haiti (2016-2018). Also, he will share all opportunities and best practices to inspire PES student and young professionals work in their countries with IEEE Smart Village projects.

More information about IEEE Smart Village:


3) IEEE HAC training: Project Design (Session 3)

Time: 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm (August 26, 2018)


  • Shaikh Fattah (2018 Education Chair, IEEE Humanitarian Activity Committee and PES eNews Update editor)


Part-07: Project Design Session: Designing PES HT project with SD targeting a local need (group work-20 min)

Part-08: Interactive session to nurture the relevant project idea of the participants (15 min)

Part-09: Final project proposals with future plan to be submitted by the participants on their own project and report collection (25 min)