On 3rd of Octomber 2016 in London, the Chapter Chairs Meeting was held during European Microwave Week.

Meeting was open by Jan Macháč, Region 8 Coordinator. Addresses went from Ke Wu, MTT-S president and from Daniel Pasquet, MGA Past Chair, Region 8 Coordinator. Status of EuMW was presented Andrew Gibson, EuMW General Chair. Tim Lee give two presentations on New IEEE initiative „Internet of Space“ and Humanitary project SIGHT – opportunities in North Africa. Mike Golio gave the presentation on “What chapter chairs should know”. Subject related to Best and worst practices was moderated by Daniel Pasquet. All this was followed by a presentation by James Rautio: “Ethereal Waves Make History, the four scientists who saved James Clerk Maxwell’s theories”. Polish Joint Chapter was represented by Jerzy Michalski, Treasurer Secretary.


The poster, presented during last CCM, presenting out chapter and showing our lates activities can be seen under the link below:

