IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference 2018
Sustainable Technologies for Humanity

SS03: Humanitarian Demining

Main objective of military demining is to make a quick safe path for troops and may be 80% clearing is enough for them. On the other hand, humanitarian demining target is to clear 100% to ensure the use of lands by people who are not involved in the conflicts for their day-to-day activities including farming.

The special issue aims to review and present the available humanitarian mine clearance technologies along with their limitations. And also, it will include the automations efforts for demining through robots and detection technologies.

The special issue is looking for papers that introduces a humanitarian solution with technical features where it will help to accelerate the humanitarian demining process. And also, the papers that address the issues and technologies to make safe the life of the mine clearing personnel and to achieve cost effective measures for demining tasks. Particular emphasis will be given to the applications regarding the detection of landmine and removal using advanced robotic systems including sensors and actuators.

Topics of interest includes but not limited to:

  • Robotics for Humanitarian Demining
  • Detection and Sensing Technologies
  • UAV for Humanitarian Demining
  • Design Requirements for Better Performance
  • Mine action technology and equipment – current situation and future perspectives
  • Risks and safety in demining operation
  • Mobile Robotics Systems for unstructured environments (UGV,UAV, multi-robotics cooperation)
  • Sensors and sensor fusion for detection
  • Social aspects and Mine Risk education
  • Mine Map building
  • Networked crisis management tools and Information Systems
  • Swarm of robots


Dr. K.T.M.U. Hemapala
Department of Electrical Engineering,
University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.