Who can join?

IEEE opens the door to opportunities that will help you develop your professional identity in IEEE’s designated fields of interest: sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). In addition to accessing a range of membership benefits, you’ll make global connections with people who can help you along your targeted career path through IEEE’s international community of members and volunteers.

Benefit highlights

Uncover IEEE Student Member benefits that are most relevant to you by using the: Global Benefit Finder

Some of the most popular Student benefits are:

For more information click here

Benefits From JU SB

All the IEEE Student Members are  automatically members of IEEE JU SB. Our Student Branch warmly welcomes and accepts all students, no matter what is the field of study. Most of our events are offered to all students irrespective of their status as IEEE members; however, IEEE Student Members will receive more benefits. This includes:

Student Branch events: IEEE student members will receive priority and discounts to participate in the events organized by our branch.

Personal Development: IEEE opens the door to opportunities that will help you develop your professional identity by improving communication and leadership skills and thinking from a new perspective.

Project Support: If you ever had an exciting project in mind and have the capacity to follow through with it, creating it with IEEE can be very advantageous, as branding may help the professionalism of your project, help with receiving funding, and receive help to advertise and recruit team members.



Quick Steps To Joining IEEE 

Joining IEEE is not something hard or lengthy process. You can quickly follow the following steps to join IEEE as a student member:

1. Go to this link http://www.ieee.org/join

 Choose “Student/Graduate Student Membership” and then click on “Begin Join process

2. In the subsequent pages, fill up your personal details. Do not leave any field.

3. Enter your school name exactly as “Jahangirnagar University”. If you have trouble finding it, search with country    Bangladesh.

4. Your card is ready! Now pay!!!

5. Open an IEEE email alias,

Making an IEEE email alias

Step 1: Go to: https://eleccomm.ieee.org/aliases/register.shtml

Step 2: Enter your IEEE web account username and password in the login form Click ‘Continue with Registration’

Step 3: Acknowledge the IEEE MEMBER E-MAIL ALIAS SERVICE AGREEMENT Click “I ACCEPT the conditions of the IEEE E-Mail Service Agreement” button.

Step 4: Fill up the details Preferred IEEE Alias: Fill in with a good alias name like firstname.lastname or lastname.firstname.  This is your real email id(your Gmail/Hotmail email id) where the emails will be forwarded. Please note that IEEE doesn’t store any of the mails that get sent to your mail alias but it just forwards them to your existing mail id. Click “Submit Alias Registration Application”

Step 5: Basically, there is no step 5, the registration process is now complete. You will shortly receive an email from alias-registrar@ieee.org confirming your registration process. Well you are done. You can now receive emails from the registered mail alias. So people make the most use of your IEEE mail alias and conquer new heights. Cheers

Important Links



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