22 Oct

IEEE Seminar by Professor Armand Makowski

On behalf of the IEEE joint VT/COM/IT Sweden Chapter Board, we are delighted to share with you the information about an IEEE Seminar by Professor Armand Makowski, University of Maryland, College Park, USA.

Time: Tuesday, August 27, 2019, at 16:45
Location: Lecture room Q2, floor 2, Malvinas väg 10 (Q-House),
KTH main campus, 114 28 Stockholm, Sweden. (Link to map)

Title: Degree distribution in large (homogeneous) networks: A little theory and a counterexample


In random graph models, the degree distribution of individual nodes should be contrasted with the (empirical) degree distribution of the graph, i.e., the usual fractions of nodes with given degree. A general framework is introduced to discuss conditions under which these two degree distributions coincide asymptotically when the number of nodes become unboundedly large.

Somewhat surprisingly, we show that this assumption may fail to hold, even in strongly homogeneous random networks. A counterexample can be found in the class of random threshold graphs. An interesting implication of this finding is that random threshold graphs cannot be used as a substitute for the Barabasi-Albert model, a claim made in the literature.

This is joint work with graduate student Siddarth Pal (now at Raytheon BBN).


Armand M. Makowski received the Licence en Sciences Mathematiques from the Universite Libre de Bruxelles in 1975, the M.S. degree in Engineering-Systems Science from U.C.L.A. in 1976 and the Ph.D. degree in Applied Mathematics from the University of Kentucky in 1981. In August 1981, he joined the faculty of the University of Maryland College Park, where he is Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He has held a joint appointment with the Institute for Systems Research since its establishment in 1985. He is currently on leave with the National Science Foundation as Program Director with the Communication and Information Foundation (CISE/CCF/CIF). Armand Makowski was a C.R.B. Fellow of the Belgian-American Educational Foundation (BAEF) for the academic year 1975-76; he is also a 1984 recipient of the NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award. He became an IEEE Fellow in 2006, and received a Lady Davis Trust Fellowship for the academic year 2014-2015. His research interests lie in applying advanced methods from the theory of stochastic processes to the modeling, design and performance evaluation of engineering systems, with particular emphasis on communication systems and networks.

Presentation slides:  IEEE_Sweden_Armand_Makowski

08 Jan

IEEE Technical Seminar by Lic. Eng. Mats Andersson

On behalf of the IEEE joint VT/COM/IT Sweden Chapter Board, We are delighted to invite you to an IEEE Technical Seminar by Lic. Eng. Mats Andersson, Huawei Technologies Sweden AB, Wireless R&D, Stockholm R&D Center, Sweden.

Time: Wed Jan 16, 2019, at 13:00-14:00
Location: Room EL42, floor 4, EDIT building, Hörsalsvägen 11, Campus Johanneberg, Chalmers University of Technology, 412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden. (Link to google maps)
Local host: Tomas Eriksson, tomase@chalmers.se

Title: Massive MIMO: History, Evolution and Future

In 2011 researchers at Huawei Technologies Sweden AB proposed a new type of base station architecture with the aim to increase capacity by about 1000 % compared to the state-of-the art 2T2R base station used by most operators at this time. At first the possibility of such an increase of capacity was met with skepticism. Not so strange considering that most development projects at this time focused on increasing efficiency of base station power amplifiers, algorithms, or antenna sector coverage by single percentage figures. However, in 2013 the Swedish team had through hard work and many innovative ideas convincingly shown the feasibility of the solution, which by this time was known under the name Massive MIMO. In 2014 Huawei built its first large scale lab prototype in Shanghai and performed tests with China Mobile. In 2015 the first commercial Massive MIMO base station was deployed by China Mobile. In 2018 Huawei’s Massive MIMO products have seen large-scale deployment in over 40 countries, such as Japan, China, Spain, UK, and Saudi Arabia.
This talk will give an overview of the benefits of Massive MIMO, the history of Massive MIMO at Huawei, some recent performance figures and discuss possible future developments of Massive MIMO.

For any further questions, please contact the local host.

Mats Andersson has three university degrees (Lic. Eng., M. Sc. and B.A.) and more than 30 years international wireless and telecom experience working at various engineering and management positions at Ericsson (in Canada, England and Sweden) He left Ericsson 2006 to become CEO of the start-up company Bluetest AB. During his 5 years as CEO Bluetest grew rapidly to become the world leading MIMO Over-The-Air (OTA) test company. In 2011 Mats joined Huawei Technologies Sweden AB as Site and System Manager Radio Base Systems in Gothenburg. During his time at Huawei the Gothenburg office became a world leading competence center for Higher Order MIMO and Massive MIMO base stations. In 2014 Mats started the company MUMIMO AB to focus on innovation and business development for small and large wireless companies. Since September 2018 Mats is back at Huawei Technologies Sweden AB as CTO, Wireless R&D, Stockholm R&D Center, Sweden. He also holds roles as Chairman of the Board of Forsway Scandinavia AB, SweGaN AB, Satcube AB and MUMIMO AB and is a Board member of Bluetest AB and Gefle Testteknik AB.