2015 Election – Call for Candidacy form

Dear IEEE Robotics & Automation Society Members in Tunisia,

As every two years, The IEEE RAS Tunisia chapter is seeking applications of the Executive Committee (Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary), who will work together during 2015-2016.

If you wish to be considered for nomination for one of these positions as Volunteer, please fill in the following candidacy form (you will receive automatically an email confirmation).


  • All applications are due by January 15, 2015.
  • Candidates must have a 2015 IEEE & RAS active memberships by January 15, 2015 and IEEE member for at least one year.
  • Candidates must hold grade of Graduate student Member, Member, Senior Member or Fellow; and be a member of the Society; and resident in Tunisia.
  • Election will be performed electronically from Monday 19 January 2015 till 31 January 2015 using
  • For more information about Volunteering Position, visit:
  • According to the MGA operations manual, the consecutive period of service in any one office shall normally not exceed two years.

If you require further information or you have some suggestions and comments, please don’t hesitate to contact us by email to <>.

    First Name *

    Family Name *

    Email *

    Organisation *

    Phone Number *

    IEEE Member Number *

    IEEE Active member for 2015? *


    Candidacy for: *


    IEEE grade Description *

    Graduate Student MemberMemberSenior MemberFellow Member

    Biography *

    Motivation for Candidacy, Explain why you are interested in the proposed role with the organisation*

    Upload CV (pdf file) *

    Upload Photo (jpg file) *

    Enter the following code:

    * Required fields.