The following approach was used with the “fake” Alabama Section Site:


Rename your “index.html” file to “index.php”.

Add the following code to the front of the page after the </head> tag:



$handle = fopen('','r');
$data = ' ';

if ( $handle == FALSE )
  $data = "OU Management Feed is unavailable at this time.";
} else {
  while( ! feof($handle) )
    $line = fgets($handle, 1024);
    $line = preg_replace('/href="\//','href="', $line);
    $data .= $line;

Note that the URL requests information about the Section corresponding to the GeoCode R30001 (Alabama Section) from -0 days ago to 365 days in the future. This will return all qualifying Section/Chapter/Affinity Group meetings in this range that have been marked as published by the section volunteer using the interface.

In the header section of the HTML file put in the following additional style information and adjust as appropriate. Some example formatting is shown but it is strictly up to the hosting site to format as appropriate.


   <style type="text/css" media="screen">
    /* Styles from meetings feed */
    .meetingTable { }
    .meetingTable td,th { padding:8px;}
    .meetingHeaderRow { background-color: #8BB1B1;}
    .meetingRow {}
    .meetingDate {}
    .meetingLinkedName {}
    .meetingDescription {}  /* unused */

Then, where you want the table of information of about the meetings to occur put


<?php echo $data; ?>

When the web page is loaded, it will make an inquiry of the server at IEEE and substitute information from that server. It will look something like:


<div id="meetings">
<table border cellpadding="2" width="100%" col>
<tr><th>Date</th><th>Event Title</th><th>Speaker(s)</th></tr>

  10 September 2007 05:10PM
<a href="" target="_blank">September Section Meeting: F-117 Stealth Fighter Project</a>
<!-- <td>
<b>Come and meet the Control System Team Leader for the F-117 Stealth Fighter Project</b>
</td> -->
  Eldred "Don" Merkl  


or (without the style sheet impact):



Date Event Title Speaker(s)
10 September 2007 05:10PM September Section Meeting: F-117 Stealth Fighter Project Eldred “Don” Merkl

Note the (sic) span tag over the whole range is inserted by Microsoft and is probably a misuse of the control chosen. In this example, only one meeting is in the system. More would be rows would be present if more information was available in