On 09 January 2019, Events version 6.7 was released.

Events 6.7 introduces the following enhancement:

Upload  the organization’s member list to registration

  • @Event  (the on-site registration feature) now includes an option to upload a list of all members for the HOST/OU of the event
  • Once uploaded, volunteers can quickly check in members from the list with one click

Email registrants / attendees of an event

  • Volunteers are able to communicate with registrants for an event using eNotice
  • Send eNotice to Registrants is a new feature that utilizes the registrant list (saved for a single event only) to load the email addresses to a custom recipient list in eNotice.
    • Note:   All recipient lists are compliant with all member communication preferences and GDPR
  • After the event has ended, use Send eNotice to Registrants to reach out to all attendees (including anyone who registered on-site)
  • For more information on eNotice and Send eNotice to Registrations, click here.

Attachments – Events now supports  attachments.  Up to 10 MiB can be uploaded to an event.

Outlook and iCal is available on published view of an event,  in the registration confirmation and when eNotices are sent using Event content.

Registration button – Whenever an event includes registration, the published view will enable/disable the registration button based on the dates when registration opens and closes.

Search by organizational unit – the Home page includes a search by an organization.  The map is updated based on search results as well as ‘Recent Activity’ .

As with all of the vTools applications, upgrades to the next version of Ruby on Rails has been applied.

Please review the latest Events tutorials by clicking here
Questions, comments or suggestions can be emailed to mga-im@ieee.org