
Tuesday, September 16, 2010, at 9:00-10:30am EDT (13:00 UTC)


Elya Joffe


As engineers, we have responsibilities to society, our employers, our clients, our professional colleagues and ourselves. Each and every one of us is faced by ethical challenges on a daily basis, often – without even being aware of it.

This presentation addresses the concept of ethics and conduct, with special emphasis on ethics in the engineering profession. The need for codes of ethics and the content of the IEEE code of ethics is discussed in detail. This includes a discussion of global ethics issues and the role IEEE plays as a transnational organization. The presentation also discusses relevant engineering case studies. Learn to recognize the factors that can lead to ethical problems, the steps to making ethical decisions, and the positive outcomes of ethical behavior.

Speaker Bio:

Elya Joffe has over 25 years of experience in government and industry, in EMC/E3 (Electromagnetic Compatibility/Electromagnetic Environmental Effects) for electronic systems and platforms (in particular – aircraft and aerospace). He is actively involved in the EMC design of commercial and defense systems, from circuits to full platforms. His work covers various fields in the discipline of EMC, such as NEMP and Lightning Protection design, as well as numerical modeling for the solution of EMC problems.

Mr. Joffe is also well known in Israel and abroad for his activities in EMC training and education, and has authored, developed and presented many courses on electromagnetic compatibility and related topics. He has authored and co-authored over 30 papers on EMC and EMC-related topics, both in the IEEE Transactions on EMC and on Broadcasting, as well as in the proceedings of international EMC symposia. Mr. Joffe is also the main author of the Book: “Grounds for Grounding: A Circuit to System Handbook”, published by John E. Wiley & Sons, 2010.

Mr. Joffe is a Senior Member of the IEEE, and has served as a member of the IEEE EMC Society Board of Directors since the year 2000. Mr. Joffe is a Member of the IEEE Standards Association and serves in a variety of leadership roles on IEEE Standards committees.

Mr. Joffe also served as a “Distinguished Lecturer” of the IEEE EMC Society, for the years 1999 through 2000. Mr. Joffe has received several awards from the IEEE and EMC Society for his activities; he is a recipient of the Laurence G. Cumming Award (2002), the Honorary EMCS Life Member Award (2004), the Technical Achievement Award (2004), the Symposium Chair Award (2004) and the IEEE Third Millennium Medal




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