

Winnispeed: Awesome Agility


June 9-13, 2013


Orange Lecture Theatre
Red River College Notre Dame Campus


JOE JUSTICE of Team WIKISPEED is being brought to Winnipeg this June 2013 to lead participants in the building of a car during the first workshop of its kind ever held in Canada: WINNISPEED. The 100+ mile-per-gallon prototype car that Team WIKISPEED created in just three months will be built from scratch on each of the two workshop days.

WIKISPEED has wowed participants in similar events around the world, most recently in Barcelona, Spain. This is a unique opportunity to work in an agile team with Joe Justice as Scrum Master and learn firsthand how Agile can transform your organization.

Sponsors will be offered preferred participation in one of the workshops and the closing banquet, as well as prominent acknowledgement on all promotional materials and in videos documenting the event.

Workshop participants will work directly with Joe Justice to build a car in a single day. During the workshops Joe Justice will explain the use of Extreme Manufacturing in Team WIKISPEED. Then you will have the chance to apply
the same concepts and methodologies to your own context (corporate innovation, small hardware/design start-up, service based startup, NGO, education, etc…).


If you would like additional information, please go to winnispeed.ca.


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