Keynote Speakers

Prof. Anthony Ephremides
Cynthia Kim Eminent Professor of Information Technology, University of Maryland

Anthony Ephremides holds the Cynthia Kim Eminent Professorship Chair of Information Technology. He holds a joint appointment with the Institute for Systems Research, of which he has been a founding member, and he is a also a member of and former Co-Director of the Maryland Hybrid Networks Center (HyNET), formerly known as the Center for Hybrid and Satellite Communication Networks (CHSCN). He received his B.S. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, in 1967 and the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees also in Electrical Engineering from Princeton University in 1969 and 1971, respectively.
He has served in many capacities in the IEEE and other organizations, from local organization posts to President of the Information Theory Society and member of the Institute Board of Directors, including Technical Program Chair and General Chair of Major Conferences.

Scott Burleigh
Principal Engineer at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology

Scott Burleigh is a Principal Engineer at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, where he has been developing flight mission software since 1986.
In 1988-1989 Mr. Burleigh developed one of the Laboratory’s earliest Internet-enabled systems, a data distribution server that supported near-real-time analysis of science instrument data returned from the Voyager 2 encounter with the planet Neptune.  Later, in the mid-1990s, Mr. Burleigh co-authored the specification for the CCSDS (Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems) File Delivery Protocol (CFDP), an international standard for file transfer over interplanetary distances.  Mr. Burleigh developed the first implementation of CFDP, which was adapted for operational use on JPL’s Deep Impact comet exploration mission.
A member of the Delay-Tolerant Networking (DTN) Research Group of the Internet Research Task Force, Mr. Burleigh is a co-author of the DTN Architecture definition (Internet RFC 4838).  He is also a co-author of the specification for the DTN Bundle Protocol (BP, Internet RFC 5050) supporting automated data forwarding through a network of intermittently connected nodes.  In addition, he is a co-author of the specifications for the Licklider Transmission Protocol (LTP, Internet RFCs 5325 through 5327) supporting data block transmission reliability at the data link layer.
Mr. Burleigh leads the development and maintenance of implementations of BP and LTP that are designed for integration into deep space mission flight software, with the long-term goal of enabling deployment of a delay-tolerant Solar System Internet.  The initial exercise of these protocol implementations on an operational spacecraft occurred during the Deep Impact Network (DINET) experiment conducted in interplanetary space during October and November of 2008.  The same software is now in continuous operation on the International Space Station and is offered on SourceForge as open source code.  Mr. Burleigh has received the NASA Exceptional Engineering Achievement Medal and four NASA Space Act Board Awards for his work on the design and implementation of these communication protocols.

Dr. Paul Werbos
National Science Foundation

Dr. Paul J. Werbos has four degrees in applied mathematics and economics from Harvard and the London School of Economics. He is one of the three Directors of the program in Energy, Power and Adaptive Systems at NSF. In 2009, he handled climate and energy issues in the office of Senator Spector, working with the Senate committee on Environment and Public Works. (See here.) He serves actively on the IEEE-USA Energy Policy Committee and Transportation Policy Committee, and contributes to He serves on the Planning Committee of the Millennium Project, which produces the annual State of the Future ( In 2011, he reviewed NSF’s overall energy activities to the national EPSCOR conference, supporting states attempting to build up research capabilities. (See here). He is a Fellow of IEEE and the International Neural Network Society, and winner of their Neural Networks Pioneer and Hebb awards, respectively. In the 1980’s, working for the Department of Energy, he designed and built several econometric models then used to generate the official national energy forecasts. He currently serves as executive vice-president for policy of the National Space Society.

Dr. Nader Moayeri
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

Nader Moayeri has been with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) since 1997, where he founded the Wireless Communications Technologies Group and managed it for 11 years. His present research interests are in wireless networking, indoor localization and tracking, sensor networks, the Internet of Things (IoT), Cyber Physical Systems, and cognitive radio networks. He was with the Imaging Technology Department at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Palo Alto, CA, from 1994 to 1997 and on the faculty of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, from 1986 to 1994. He received a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering-Systems from the University of Michigan in 1986.

Prof. Koji Tanaka
Associate Professor, Department of Spacecraft Engineering, The Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

Koji Tanaka has been an Associate Professor with the Department of Spacecraft Engineering, The Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Kanagawa, Japan. His research interests include space power systems and the interactions between high-power systems and space environments.


Mark Kaufman
Aerojet Executive Director, Strategic Systems, at Aerojet, a GenCorp Company in Sacramento (CA)

Mark Kaufman has over 30 years of experience in the rocket propulsion industry working in both the liquid engine and solid rocket motor domain. Since 2001 he has been Executive Director of Programs at Aerojet responsible for the Atlas V SRB development to first flight and more recently leading strategic missile propulsion programs for both land and sea based strategic deterrent programs. Prior experience at Pratt & Whitney as Director of Space programs leading multiple technical/manufacturing teams for the Titan IV SRB’s, orbital upper stage propulsion systems, electromechanical actuation devices, and Ion thruster propulsion systems. Programs included the Inertial Upper Stage (IUS), Athena small launch vehicle, booster separation motors for Shuttle, and nozzle/thrust vector control for Delta III and IV launch vehicles. He is currently developing a new small launch vehicle with Government, industry and academic partners which will achieve affordable access to space for small satellites. Involves working with industry partners in the application of wireless avionics architecture enabling game changing cost and operability advantages for launch service demands of the small satellite marketplace.