2011 R10 WIE Section/Student Branch Affinity Group of The Year Awards

Dear R10 Section Chairs and WIE Affinity Group Chairs,

It is my great pleasure and honor to announce the winners of the
2011 R10 WIE Section/Student Branch Affinity Group of The
Year Awards.
This year, R10 WIE committee has received 3 nominations for WIE
Section AG Award, and 9 nominations for WIE Student Branch
AG Award. Since all nominations were excellent, the selection was
extremely difficult.

R10 WIE Committee conducted intensive deliberation according to
the vision of R10 WIE, and finally decided the following two WIE
Affinity Groups as winners.

* Delhi Section WIE -> the winner of the 2011 R10 WIE Section
Affinity Group of The Year Award

* The Student Branch WIE, Institute of Technology, Nirma
University, Gujarat Section ->  the winner of the 2011 R10 WIE
Student Branch Affinity Group of The Year Award

Delhi Section WIE conducted the survey “Gender Equality in
Science and Technology,” and investigated issues and problems
on the promotion of women in Science and Technology.
They have also developed various activities targeting different
generations (e.g. young school girls, young women students,
young women professionals, etc.) with the collaboration with
student WIE AGs in the Delhi Section.

The Student Branch WIE, Institute of Technology, Nirma
University, Gujarat Section conducted the extensive and
excellent  survey “My Experience as an Engineer” to investigate
reasons about the enigma of the lack of girls in the technical
field as well.
Based on the result of the survey, they promoted “Young
Empowerment Campaign” for spreading awareness about
engineering among girls.
This survey and campaign have been reported in the Student
Branch Website,  the Student Branch Newsletter, and
the R10 Newsletter in Dec. 2011 issue.

Award certificate will be presented to these winning sections at
the 2013 R10 Annual Meeting to be held early next year, and
the cash bonus of USD 250 will be sent to each of them after
the meeting.

Congratulations to Delhi Section WIE, and the Student Branch WIE,
Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Gujarat Section!
And also we really thank all the participants, and wish
continued outstanding success!!

With warm regards,
Takako Hashimoto
Coordinator, IEEE R10 Women In Engineering

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